Friday, June 14, 2013

16 ways you know you went to a crappy public school

buzzfeed ^ | June 7, 2013 | Bruce Deitrick Price

How many stars on the American flag? You’re guessing “a lot.”
Can dolphins communicate? You think, of course they can. They’re a footbal team, they have to communicate.
The three states of water? You guess Oregon, for sure, because it’s rainy there.
Gravity? You wonder what’s the big deal about gravity? If something is heavy, it’ll fall.
A camel can walk a long way without what? A map?
The language Shakespeare wrote in? You’re thinking French? Maybe Shakesperean.
When multiplying 6 x 7, you need a calculator. But you can’t think of any good reasons for doing this.
A rolling stone gathers no moss? Okay, but why would it want to?
People asked, where’s Alaska and you said, off the coast of California. You saw it on a map. Alaska was in a box near San Diego.
Name two oceans? 11 and 12.
Which came first, the Supremes or the Supreme Court? You’re not sure. You want to know if that’ll be on a test.
Clouds are made of what? Smoke.
How many feet in a mile? Dude, seriously, what’s the point?
You appeared on Jay Leno’s Jaywalking and couldn’t answer his dumb questions.
You can’t read your diploma.
You have really high self-esteem.
. .
[See related "20: THE QUIZZ" --What Students Should Learn ]
