Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Obama Smear Campaign On Mitt Romney Continues

Political Realities ^ | 08/08/12 | LD Jackson

Just when we thought the smear campaign against Mitt Romney could get no worse, it does. I am almost at a loss for words to describe the lies that are now being told about Mitt Romney. Ridiculous and despicable are the only terms that really come close. First, we have Harry Reid and his lies about having a source who told him Mitt Romney didn't pay taxes for 10 years. Reid says it is up to Romney to prove the allegation false. That was bad enough. Now we have Priorities USA, a Super Pac supporting Barack Obama, publishing an ad that tries to tie the GOP nominee to the death of the wife of a steel worker who lost his job when Bain Capital closed the steel plant where he was working. You can read more on the story at The Lonely Conservative and WyBlog. I am including the ad in its entirety so our readers can see what Mitt Romney is being accused of.
Please visit Political Realities to see the ad.
The real story of the Joe Soptic story basically goes like this. Bain Capital acquired GST Steel in 1993. In 1999, Mitt Romney let Bain Capital to run the Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah. Even though he remains CEO of Bain Capital, Romney has no dealings with the day-to-day operations of the firm. In 2001, GST Steel is closed and Joe Soptic loses his job, as well as his healthcare insurance. His wife still retains her healthcare insurance from her employer. Romney formally leaves Bain Capital in 2002. It is that year, or maybe a year later, in 2003, that Joe Soptic's wife loses her job and her healthcare insurance. In 2006, she was diagnosed with cancer and passes away.
As any discerning adult can see, Mitt Romney had nothing to do with the death of Joe Soptic's wife. I feel for the man, I really do. I am sorry he lost his wife, but the blame for her death does not lie at the feet of Mitt Romney. I would even go so far as to suggest Joe Soptic is not doing his wife's memory any favors by using her in such a dishonest way.
If the Obama campaign was acting in a responsible manner, they would have already distanced themselves from Harry Reid and his lies and accusations against Mitt Romney. They would have already been in the media, explaining how they disagree with the ad published by Priorities USA. But, as we all know, that isn't how Obama works. They are throwing the dirt out for all to see and hoping enough of it sticks to Mitt Romney and persuades enough voters in November.
It doesn't matter that the accusations about Mitt Romney are false. The real story of the death of Joe Soptic's wife doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is smearing their opponent into nonexistence. Given the dismal record of Barack Obama, it is their only hope of winning the election. Given the events of the past three years and how Barack Obama has "managed" the economy and our liberties, God help us all if they succeed.
