Monday, January 21, 2019

The Truth about the Lincoln Memorial Incident (MAGA hat cowboys and injuns)

American Thinker ^ | Taylor Day 

The viral video of a group of MAGA-hat wearing teenagers waiting for their buses last Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial has been paraded by news outlets as a confrontation with a Native American elderly man and has swept the weekend internet like the storm that is gripping most the nation.
There was plenty for Americans to be upset by in that video, but contrary to the reporting by the Associated Press, the bad behavior did not come from the group of boys. Perfect examples of how not to behave were shown by a group of five black self-proclaimed “black Israelites”, the media that altered the narrative with a spin that is Orwellian, and the Native American man himself for unabashedly lying to the cameraperson directly after the incident about chants of “Build the Wall” that hours of video prove never occurred.
The ugliness started when a set of five self-proclaimed black Israelites began preaching anti-white messages for at least an hour before the Catholic school boys walked into the area. Thanks to their own livestream of the event, the boys were not searching for a problem as had been suggested, but instead makes clear of a regrouping effort at their designated meeting spot after their participation in the March of Life.
The black “activists”, emotionally emboldened by witnessing children in red MAGA hats, directed their verbal abuse on the assembling group of kids...
  • Calling the group of Catholic school boys “faggots” and “sodomites”
  • Somehow defending Bill Cosby
  • Threatening injury to a man on a hoverboard
  • Calling a group of white children “future school shooters”
  • “There will be no peace until blood is shed”
  • “The nation of Nubia will destroy America”
  • Calling black friends of the MAGA hat wearers the n-word

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
