One wonders if Sen. Dick Durbin ever objected to the phrase "chain of custody" in judicial proceedings as evidence of racism in a justice system said to be unfair to blacks. Or maybe he thought "chain smoking" is a phrase coined by Klansmen watching slaves harvest tobacco. Has he ever participated in a chain letter?
The phrase "chain migration" is what Durbin and his fellow liberals like to call a racist "dog whistle," but this dog won't hunt.
Democrats like Durbin like to view everything through race-colored glasses, and the phrase "chain migration" is no exception, with Durbin claiming President Trump's use of the term reminded blacks of slavery:
Durbin told the media on Friday that he reprimanded Trump for using the term "chain migration" in immigration negotiations, claiming [that] it [is] associated with racism, despite the Illinois senator just this week also using the term.Durbin said in an interview:Durbin used the word "chain," despite it allegedly being a code word for slavery, in the famous televised immigration meeting just before that private meeting:
That was the nature of this conversation. When it came to the issue of, quote, "chain migration," I said to the president, do you realize how painful that term is to so many people? African-Americans believe they migrated to America in chains and when you talk about chain migration, it hurts them personally.
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