Saturday, September 30, 2017

1-800 # To Let Anheuser Busch Know What You Think Of The NFL

Comment Section Of GB Packer FB Page ^ | 9/230/17

Turns out that many businesses who advertise during the NFL games are
beginning to realize that the fans are real upset. I mean, who would have
thought that even Anheuser Busch would begin feeling the wrath of the fans?

So they decided put out this toll free number for anyone who wants to express
their opinion on what they think of the way multi-millionaire players and
multi-billionaire owners of the NFL are protesting during the national Anthem.

If your angry, then call Budweiser and let them have it. I did, and I
will admit it made me feel better. For a few moments anyway. Who knows
if it will make a difference, but at least the phone call is free. 
