Tuesday, August 15, 2017

BREAKING: Charlotsville “Unite the Right” Organizer Was Occupy Wall St. Activist & Obama Supporter!

DCWhispers.com ^ | August 14, 2017 | DCWhispers 

Well this is fishy. His name is Jason Kessler. He is the one cited as the organizer of the now infamous “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The thing is, Mr. Kessler’s arrival on the “alt right” and/or “White Nationalist” scene didn’t occur until November 2016.

That’s right – Kessler didn’t start his white nationalist activism until after Donald Trump won the White House. Prior to that it appears he participated in the far left/socialist Occupy Wall Street movement as noted by the far-left, George Soros-funded Southern Poverty Law Center
Rumors abound on white nationalist forums that Kessler’s ideological pedigree before 2016 was less than pure and seem to point to involvement in the Occupy movement and past support for President Obama.
At one recent speech in favor of Charlottesville’s status as a sanctuary city, Kessler live-streamed himself as an attendee questioned him and apologized for an undisclosed spat during Kessler’s apparent involvement with Occupy. Kessler appeared visibly perturbed by the woman’s presence and reminders of their past association.
It also appears Mr. Kessler was actually a CNN on site correspondent during the Occupy protests: (these are being archived as it appears CNN is attempting to scrub its former affiliation with Mr. Kessler:)
—————— Wall Street protests grow after unions’ endorsement By Jason Kessler and Michael Martinez, CNN Updated 2344 GMT (0744 HKT) October 5, 2011
5 years ago Poll: Most New Yorkers side with protesters Posted by
By CNN Assignment Editor Jason Kessler
And Kessler has actually taken money as a consultant from a Democrat running for Senate:
Jason Kessler received $1,320.00 as a “Consultation Fee” for assisting a Democrat running for Senate in 2012.
In 2015 Kessler described himself as a pro-abortion environmentalist non-interventionist pro-equality atheist, among other things.
So, with all of the information outlined above, it seems that a pro abortion environmentalist atheist Democrat Party supporting Occupy Wall Street activist suddenly became a right wing protester after Donald Trump became president in 2016.
That requires something of a hypothetical. It is well known how much the DEEP STATE despises POTUS Trump. Is it beyond the realm of possibility to consider Jason Kessler and others like him are actually DEEP STATE operatives working to further divide and conqueror America? Trump is a direct threat to that plan. Why not paint Trump with the broad strokes of racism, hatred and bigotry in order to further erode his millions strong base of support?
Sound far-fetched? Crazy? Inconceivable?
Perhaps, but if you don’t already know, our DEEP STATE during the Obama administration did that very thing in Ukraine, an operation that was also strongly supported by such DEEP STATE Republicans such as Senator Lindsey Graham and John McCain. It was also proven this very same method was utilized against the Trump campaign in 2016 when paid actors were following the campaign from one city to the next and the media was repeatedly calling them “protesters” even though they knew better. These kinds of operations are nothing new. Create divisive chaos/agitation prior to an attempted overthrow of government.
That last line is worth repeating:
Create divisive chaos/agitation prior to an attempted overthrow of government.
Is Jason Kessler a misguided activist or a willing pawn in a much larger psy-ops program that is at this very moment rippling across the country? Who knows. There is certainly enough already there, though, to make one say “hmmm….”
