Monday, May 8, 2017

Obama Biographer: “The Vessel Was Hollow To The Core” ^ | MAY 7, 2017 

David Garrow, the award-winning biographer of Martin Luther King, has written a biography of Barack Obama. It’s called Rising Star.

Carlos Lozada, a liberal who reviews books for the Washington Post, considers Garrow’s biography of Obama here. According to Lozada:
Garrow. . .concludes his massive new work with a damning verdict on Obama’s determination: “While the crucible of self-creation had produced an ironclad will, the vessel was hollow at its core.”

Based on Lozada’s review, it appears that Garrow supports this conclusion in part by examining Obama’s relationship with his long-time girlfriend, Sheila Miyoshi Jager. The two nearly married, but ultimately, according to Jager:

The marriage discussions [were clouded by Obama’s] torment over this central issue of life. . .race and identity. [The] resolution of his black identity was directly linked to his decision to pursue a political career.
In this telling, Obama worried that marrying a non-black would preclude a successful career in Chicago politics. A source close to Obama and Jager recalled Obama saying “if I’m going out with a white women, I have no standing here.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
