Sunday, February 5, 2017

"Dear Leftist, You Need To Take A Closer Look At The Real 'Refugees' Before You Denounce 'Vetting'"

Zero Hedge ^ | 4 Feb, 2017 | Tyler Durden 

Plenty of mainstream media outlets have been critical of the Trump executive orders regarding immigration and “vetting” of refugees. There are too many to list, but I will use an excerpt from a U.S. News article to drive the general point home:

When the United States accepts refugees from countries with a significant Muslim population, we undermine the anti-American hatred that underlies Islamic State group recruitment. Closing America’s door to Syrian refugees, therefore, is not only a heartless hiccup in our nation’s history, it also validates Islamic State group propaganda, advances the group’s agenda and drives refugees back into the arms of dangerous terrorists. By turning away Syrian refugees, Trump is plunging America into a national security nightmare.

......But, Express makes it appear as though these are just “hopeless” children who are playing with toy guns, and that Western nations denying refugees entry into our nations are just awful.
I can already feel the next quote coming: “Those kids in Express’s slideshow were playing with toy guns, and even if the kids in the above video have real guns, they have no real training, and would never shoot anyone!”
Well… when I said the MSM and the many immigration protesters were either willfully ignorant or outright malicious, I really meant it.
The below video is so graphic, I was hesitant to post it. But Free Market Shooter is not a “safe space,” and if you are looking for one, you’re in the wrong place. I will however provide one last warning – if you are squeamish, easily disturbed, or just plain scared of the truth, DO NOT WATCH THIS VIDEO, BECAUSE IT IS EXTREMELY GRAPHIC. A description is provided below the video, if you cannot watch.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
