Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The major Hillary failures for America

Blog articles and comments via ^ | 10/9/16 

How did the Clintons get so WEALTHY on government salaries? This is the question you must answer before you vote in November. Hillary states that she is the candidate of the common person, the one standing against Wall Street. But what is the truth? Notice in the chart above that the rise in Clinton wealth is coincident with Hillary's term as Secretary of State. The documentary Clinton Cash documents exactly HOW this occurred....
Was Bill Clinton's Economy Good OR Is He Responsible for the Mortgage Meltdown? Time Magazine states: "President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods. It is the subject of heated political and scholarly debate whether any of these moves are to blame for our troubles, but they certainly played a role in creating a permissive lending environment." Under Clinton banks were forced to lend low-rate FHA loans to people with credit so poor even sub-prime lenders wouldn't touch them at 20% down. This created a huge buying demand, driving up prices of housing artificially with buyers who could not afford them or were not responsible with credit, creating what is known as "The Housing Bubble". At that same time, credit was eased to the extreme and, as the above chart demonstrates, consumer debt spiked during his administration. The Bush years began with a near economic collapse on 9/11, when several Wall Street firms were wiped out, ceased to exist, as the Twin Towers collapsed. Credit was allowed to extend but the oversight was under 3 committees chaired by Democratic Senators Chris Todd, Chuck Schummer, and Barney Franks, the latter's boyfriend chaired Fannie Mae. These chairman failed in their oversight. Why? Jon Corzine, was the CEO of Goldman Sachs and later the Democratic Governor of New Jersey. Goldman Sachs developed the "mortgage derivative", packaging these worthless mortgages as "government backed securities" because they were FHA, and acted as the "market maker" controlling their trading. Meanwhile, credit card debt-laden consumers found they had huge equity in their homes they could refinance at extremely low mortgage rates and get a tax write-off. This freed up even more credit borrowing for more consumer spending. All the while, Todd, Schumer, and Franks were complicit amid Bush protests. To finalize the picture, Hillary Clinton has received huge contributions and speaking fees from Goldman Sachs. Her being in Wall Street's pocket is why she has resisted releasing her speech transcripts. Hillary received $675,000 for 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs. Exposed recent emails from Hillary state that she has "both a public and a private position about Wall Street." Obama said "Hillary took more money from Wall Street than any other candidate!" Bernie Sanders says you have to reverse Clinton policy to stop Big Banks. A vote for Hillary is a vote for what is wrong with our economy...
The Obama-Hillary Mideast debacles As Secretary of State, Hillary had responsibility for Obama's policy that led to the fiasco in Syria and the rise of ISIS. If you recall, Obama called ISIS a "junior league" entity at the time. Hillary also sought to topple Ghaddafi in Libya, although Ghaddafi had been nothing but helpful to the USA since he turned over his WMDs to Bush when Bush took strong military action. In that void and chaos arose ISIS. THEN, Hillary chose to sell arms to ISIS as a counter-measure against the governments of Libya and Syria. THIS was the covert issue at hand in Benghazi and why Hillary refused to beef up security while other countries were closing their embassies and getting out. It was a CIA cover for arming ISIS. They could not afford to send in military rescue as it would breach those covert activities and betray the lie Obama told to get re-elected, "We are one drone strike away from annihilating AlQaeda". But the most disturbing aspects of Hillary's Secretary of State tenure are her Muslim Brotherhood connections. Indeed, both she and Obama's right-hand aids are radical persons of Iranian decent. Huma Abedin has a seriously radical Islamic past. Hillary's Clinton Foundation has received huge donations and she has received huge speaking fees from Islamic nations, some of whom are associated with the 9/11 and other terrorist attacks (See Clinton Cash).
