Frontpage Mag ^ | September 28, 2016 | Matthew Vadum
Leaked document reveals the staggering breadth of domestic terrorist activity -- and the administration's cover-up!
The Obama administration has been concealing the staggering breadth of terrorist activity in the United States – quantified as close to 8,000 terrorist encounters in a recent year -- a leaked government report suggests.
There are disturbing parallels between the Obama administration’s ongoing cover-up of the true extent of terrorist operations in the U.S. and its election season cover-up four years ago of the real causes of the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2012.
Remember that then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly lied four years ago, saying the Benghazi attack was carried out by an angry mob of Muslims that had been inflamed by an obscure anti-Islam video on YouTube. It has since been established that Clinton advised her daughter Chelsea by email on the very night of the assault that cost four American lives that Muslim terrorists from an al-Qaeda-like group were the actual perpetrators.
The Obama administration participated in the ruse because Election Day 2012 was only weeks away at the time and the White House didn’t want information getting out that countered the official narrative that al-Qaeda was on the run and that Obama’s policies were decimating the nation’s terrorist enemies.
The lie got Obama past the finish line in 2012, so it’s not hard to conclude that he is following the same playbook right now to make it seem like the homeland is safe and secure on his watch. If the public knew that terrorists were running wild all across the fruited plain it might be difficult for Obama to carry Clinton, his preferred would-be successor and a fellow radical left-wing Alinskyite, into the winner’s circle this Nov. 8.
This is because word of fresh Obama administration misconduct or incompetence imperiling national security and putting innocent Americans at risk could hurt Clinton, a former member of his cabinet and therefore the candidate of the status quo, at the polls.
The government report itself is chilling.
“Known or Suspected Terrorist (KST) Encounters,” a Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) document obtained by Brandon Darby, editor-in-chief of Breitbart Texas, states that there were an astounding 7,712 encounters between terrorists and law enforcement officials from July 20, 2015 through July 20, 2016. The report is labeled, “UNCLASSIFIED/LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE.”
The TSC maintains the U.S. government’s consolidated Terrorist Watchlist, which is a single database of identifying information about, in the words of the Justice Department, those “known or reasonably suspected of being involved in terrorist activity.” The multi-agency organization is administered by the FBI and provides operational support for federal, state, local, and foreign governments.
The report breaks down encounters by category but only for the state of Arizona. The sixth page of the TSC report contains a pie chart showing that the majority of encounters in Arizona were with known or suspected Islamic terrorists, both Sunni and Shi’a. There were 89 encounters with Sunni Muslims and 56 with Shi’a Muslims. Seventy were categorized as “Other International Terrorist Groups or Affiliates,” and 52 as “Domestic Terrorism.”
Many of those terrorist encounters took place near the nation’s southern border. Others happened at ports-of-entry, or in-between, suggesting that suspected terrorists used stealth to enter U.S. territory. The most affected states were the border states of California, Michigan, New York, and Texas, along with Florida, Illinois, and the District of Columbia.
The news comes as communities in Minnesota, New York, and Washington State are reeling from recent Islamic terrorist attacks.
There have been 92 Muslim terrorist plots in the U.S. since Sept. 11, 2001. The overwhelming majority of those plots took place during Barack Obama’s presidency.
Here is where the figure of 92 comes from: the Heritage Foundation hasn’t updated its list of all the post-9/11 Muslim terrorist plots in the U.S. since a July 2 terrorist event, but as of that date the figure was 89. Of those 89, only 27 took place during George W. Bush’s presidency.
Number 90 since Sept. 11, 2001 would be the Sept. 17 bombing in New York’s Chelsea neighborhood allegedly carried out by Ahmad Khan Rahami. Number 91 took place the same day at Crossroads Mall, in St. Cloud, Minnesota when Dahir Adan stabbed nine people. Number 92 was the Sept. 23 Cascade Mall shooting spree in Burlington, Washington allegedly carried out by Arcan Cetin.
News of the TSC report also came as FBI Director James Comey testified the U.S. will become a victim of its own counter-terrorism success in coming years as Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS, ISIL, Daesh) loses control of its territory in Syria and Iraq. He told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday that the anticipated exodus of fighters will be larger than that which flowed out of post-war Afghanistan in the 1980s.
"The so-called caliphate will be crushed. The challenge will be: through the fingers of that crush are going to come hundreds of very, very dangerous people," Comey said, repeating a similar warning he offered in July.
Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who is locked in a tough reelection battle with former Sen. Russ Feingold (D), took Comey’s testimony with a grain of salt.
He acknowledged that the territory held by Islamic State has shrunk, but said efforts against it have been so slow that the terrorist group that claims to be an Islamic caliphate is reconstituting elsewhere.
"We haven’t reduced their capability. The diaspora has already begun," Johnson said. "We're poking the hive. We've done some damage to it but the killer bees are leaving the hive. They’re setting up new hives."
Comey said Islamic State fighters “will not all die on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq. There will be a terrorist diaspora sometime in the next two to five years like we've never seen before."
"We must prepare ourselves and our allies particularly in western Europe to confront that threat because when ISIL is reduced to an insurgency and those killers flow out they will try to come to western Europe and try to come here to kill innocent people," he said.
Of course Comey is assuming America’s war against Islamic terrorism – as modest as it may be – will continue in coming years.
That is not a reasonable assumption.
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