Canada Free Press ^ | 09/27/16 | Dan Calabrese
Preferably to zero. You’re a fool if you don’t.
One of the reasons I hate politics is that political people exist in a world completely divorced from the reality in which normal people live. In the fantasy world of political people, the most wonderful and high-minded thing you can do is fork over an enormous chunk of your wealth to the federal government, because this is how you keep everyone else living, breathing, fat and happy.
And in this fantasy world, anyone who would not want to do this is a greedy pig, beneath contempt and unworthy of a place in polite society.
DIOGENES invites you to pull up a chair on this fine day and read posts from around the world. The writing may lean to the right...but that's the way Diogenes wants it! You may leave your opinion, but Diogenes rarely changes his! WELCOME!
Today Dispatch ^ Oops! Apparently, the state of Rhode Island had 150,000 people incorrectly placed on their voter rolls and nobody not...
onenewsnow ^ | March 30, 2017 | Michael F. Haverluck While then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decided whether to allow the sale of...