Saturday, August 13, 2016

Never underestimate the stupidity of the average Democrat voter

 by Jim Robinson

Never underestimate the stupidity of the average Democrat voter in overlooking pure evil and utter corruption in their candidates.
Never underestimate the stupidity of the Republican establishment and their natural talent in losing elections when they should have been sure-winners.
The proof is in the pudding:
Bill Clinton's reelection in 1996 over the GOP establishment's loser, Bob Dole. .
Obama's election in 2008 over the GOP establishment's loser, John McCain. .
Obama's reelection in 2012 over the GOP establishment's loser, Mitt Romney.
And now after we the people rejected the GOP establishment's sure-loser (Jeb Bush) and voted in our own grassroots candidate of choice instead, the GOP establishment is doing their very best to throw the election to Hillary and allow the Clinton crime family to waltz back into the White House where they will obliterate what's left of our constitution, the rule of law and our Judeo-Christian society.
And the GOP establishment is totally unconcerned about the inevitable consequences of their treason.
It's not called the stupid party for nothing.
