Thursday, July 28, 2016

DNC Guidelines - No References To God, Terrorism

PHILADELPHIA (WNB) - A leaked manual of internal guidelines for speakers at the Democratic National Convention is drawing criticism from both sides of the aisle.

An excerpt from "Section 2 Non-acceptable References"
In order to ensure a nondiscriminatory and enjoyable climate for attendees of the Democratic National Convention (DNC), all public speakers are required to read and initial the following guideline of nonacceptable words, phrases, and topics for use in all public addresses. The Democrat Party strongly recommends this guideline also be followed in private conversation, also.
Strongly discouraged:
  • Any reference to the Judeo-Christian god or associated religion.
  • Any reference to Islam associated with war, terror, or violence of any type.
  • Any reference to The Affordable Care Act, especially "Obamacare."
  • Any reference to China, North Korea, Mexico, or Russia.
  • Any reference to Jesus, Christ, or Jesus Christ unless used in a profanity.
  • Any reference to socialism or communism.
  • Any reference to Libya, Syria, Ukraine, or especially Iran.
  • Any reference to golf or vacations.
  • Any reference to lying, adultery, emails, servers, foundations, or investigations.
DNC Guidelines
