Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Pat Buchanan Joins Trump – Cruz Convention Unity Movement (Brilliant - Retain Rule 40 Movement!)

Conservative HQ ^ | 5 Apr 16 | George Raisley 

While we disagree with Mr. Buchanan on which candidate is the best standard bearer for the conservative movement there is one thing we do agree on – passionately.

No matter who gets the Republican nomination, the establishment must lose.

In a recent column “Lock Out The Establishment In Cleveland!” Pat Buchanan echoed the conclusions of our four-part series on what conservatives should do if Trump wins the nomination:

As Buchanan explained, to accomplish that goal, “All Trump and Cruz need do is instruct their delegates to vote to retain Rule 40 from the 2012 convention. Rule 40 declares that no candidate can be placed in nomination who has failed to win a majority of the delegates in eight states.”
Trump has already hit that mark. Cruz almost surely will. But no establishment favorite has a chance of reaching it.

With Cruz and Trump delegates voting to retain Rule 40, they can guarantee no Beltway favorite walks out of Cleveland as the nominee — and that Ted Cruz or Donald Trump does.

As Pat Buchanan said, “No matter who wins in Cleveland, the establishment must lose.” We urge Trump and Cruz delegates across the country to do what their compatriots in Tennessee and a few other states have started to do; get together and form an informal alliance that commits them to voting for Cruz or Trump – and only Cruz or Trump.
