Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The Obamacare Games: Where the odds are NEVER in your favor.

Yehuda Remer

A series of billboards are cropping up from Nashville, TN to Texas announcing the Obamacare Games, where “the odds are never in your favor.”
The billboards are the product of refusetoenroll.org and are a play on the massively popular books-turned-movies called The Hunger Games, where the motto of the fight-to-the-death matches are “May the odds be always in your favor.”
According do their website, refusetoenroll:
“Initiated a new billboard campaign as part of our ongoing 'Refuse to Enroll' effort. The exchanges are the Achilles' heel of Obamacare. They are also the IRS enforcement centers, the federal takeover centers, and the insurance status surveillance centers. We are focused on stopping Obamacare by stopping the Obamacare exchanges.”
They also list the top 4 reasons why not to enroll in Obamacare.
1. No Private Insurance - Obamacare is "Medicaid for the middle class" - or as former CBO director Douglas Holtz_Eakin calls the Exchange coverage: "a second Medicaid program."
2. No Privacy - Data enters federal database accessible by IRS and various other state and federal government agencies.
3. Limited Choice - Most coverage is "narrow network" or "ultra-narrow network" policies, limiting access to doctors, hospitals and other health care professionals.
4. High Cost Premiums - To pay for multi-million dollars Exchange operations and for subsidizing high-cost individuals, the young and healthy will pay high-cost premiums for policies with high deductibles.
