Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Ongoing Liberal Plague ^ | December 27, 2013 | RightWingPatriot 

There is a foul pestilence making its way across America today. Where once proud bastions of conservatism and traditional American values have stood the test of time, a lingering disease has penetrated and spreads its malicious infection. I'm talking about the progressive liberal plague that occurs when liberals pick up and leave bastions of liberal thinking and move to areas of the country where conservatism was the backbone of the culture.
States such as Colorado, Texas, and Florida have all had an invasion of liberals. These entities have left behind states such as New York and Michigan after liberal policies destroyed those states. You would think that seeing the effects of liberalism would wake these people up, especially as they move to another state to better themselves economically. Sadly, that is not the case as logic and reason are two concepts that liberal minds cannot grasp or even begin to comprehend. Liberals will gladly complain of the insane taxes and regulations imposed by the very politicians they vote for, election after election, but when they move to another state that isn't strangled by red tape, high taxes, or anti-free market labor unions, they'll continue to support politicians that support the very things they are running from.
I've seen this firsthand in my home state of Florida. According to the US Census Bureau, New York is about to be displaced by Florida as the third most populous state. There are 50,000 people moving from New York to Florida every year, but it's just not old retirees. In fact, 78% of those moving are under the age of 60 and there are roughly the same number of people who are in their 30's and 40's as there are retirees. I actually find this stunning as the job situation in Florida is deplorable. Most of the jobs are low-wage jobs as Florida has long been a tourism/hospitality state for employment. Sadly, the number of New Yorkers (and others) moving to Florida is increasing the cost of living for native-born crackers. While Florida was always a low-wage state, the cost of living was also extremely low, plus we have no state income tax. Yet, the massive influx of liberals from the North and their voting habits is making the state extremely hard to afford to live in for normal people. South Florida is incredibly expensive to live in as housing prices and property taxes have gone through the roof in the last decade. I, myself, had to move from South to Central Florida just to be able to afford paying my property tax. When I lived in South Florida, the vast majority of people that I knew worked in counties to the south, but they were unable to afford to own or even rent a place to live in the counties that they worked. I'm not just talking about restaurant workers, but also teachers, firemen, and policemen.
When these liberals invade a new state, they don't discard their ideology despite the fact that they've been forced to relocate due to the effects of that ideology of big government and big taxes. They'll rail that the place they moved to is backward and this isn't "how things were done back home!" The obvious rebuttal is don't screw up my state just because you've screwed up yours. The proof is in the pudding, my friends. Florida was a solidly Republican state but voted for Obama twice. Colorado was a solid state for Republicans as well but now votes Democrat. Heck, a lunatic like Alan Grayson would not be electable twenty years ago, but he's now one two elections overall.
This is why I consider the population shift a liberal plague. They mess up their own state and are then forced to move to a state that is more business-friendly. Once in the new state, they continue to practice their infectious ideology of liberal progressivism and the sickness begins to spread. Eventually, the healthy (conservative) part of the state's body is marginalized and the very same practices that bankrupted other states are adopted and become the norm. It's an insidious spread and it's hard to combat. Liberal states still vote liberal Democrat but states that used to vote conservative or Republican are getting flipped. One wishes that there were a vaccine to cure this mind rot of liberalism, but, as the old adage goes, you just can't fix stupid.
