Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sebelius Suffers Massive Cosmetic Failure After Appearing Before Congress!

Minutes after being grilled by Congressional Republicans yesterday on the embarrassing failure of the Obamcare program and it's website, Kathleen Sebelius suffered a failure of her own.

Due apparently to the stress of being questioned over her role in the government healthcare debacle, Sebelius experienced a rare and catastrophic failure of numerous cosmetic surgeries, primarily face lifts. Even her hair straightener betrayed her.
Sebelius, pictured below, now has a face to match her neck. She has been hospitalized at an undisclosed location and is under heavy sedation. A spokesman said she will undergo surgery as soon as possible to attempt a restoration of Ms. Sebelius to her formerly restored state.
The Secretary of HHS is not expected to recover in time to comply with the subpoena requiring her to appear before the congressional House Oversight Committee. Family members say Sebelius has set a goal of being completely recovered and able to return to her duties by the time the website is fully functional.

Although cameras and cell phones were confiscated at yesterdays congressional testimony, one person slipped through security and has leaked a photo taken just moments after the failure.
