Saturday, October 19, 2013

An Open Letter to Speaker Boehner

Gurrforcongress ^ | 10/18/2013 | Eric Gurr

An open letter to John Boehner

Speaker Boehner,

Why did you divide the party?

Where would we be right now had you not divided the party with your purge of conservatives from key committee positions in 2012? Your rejection of the fiscal conservatives was particularly obtuse as it was a slap in the face to those who had helped the Republicans win the house in the first place. When the conservatives pushed to defund the Affordable Care Act why did our party leadership reject them? Obamacare was from the start every bit as much economic policy as it was health care policy. A law that fundamentally transforms 1/6th of the economy is fundamentally an economic policy. Had we framed the debate properly the tactics of Mr. Cruz, Mr. Lee et al would have been properly framed as one of several tactics. You told us for years that the GOP was together on its opposition to this law so the approach to defunding and overturn must have necessarily been vigorous from the start. Alas, it was not.
2. Why didn’t you explain to the American people why the ACA is a train wreck?
You more than any other representative have the forum to articulate the problem. I see you on television more than the president. As the leader of the GOP in the House it is your
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
