Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dem Says Criticism of Welfare Inhumane

Semi-News/Semi-Satire ^ | 29 June 2013 | John Semmens

Representative Gwen Moore (D-Wisc) says she is “tired of people complaining about the cost of welfare benefits. The notion that benefits ought to be temporary or should encourage recipients to find gainful employment is inhumane.”
“Some of us just aren’t suited for employment,” Moore argued. “We may lack marketable skills or the motivation to drag ourselves to a job on a daily basis. Why should we be pressured into something we don’t want to do? That’s slavery.”
Moore made the case for more remunerative welfare as “just compensation to those bearing a disproportionate share of the burden of reproduction. Why shouldn’t the women who are rearing the largest cohort of the next generation be compensated for their sacrifice? What other conceivable job could be more important?”
