GOP The Daily Dose ^ | May 4, 2013 | Dr. Eowyn
British National Archives show a son was born to Obama Sr. in 1961 in Kenya
Posted on 4 May, 2013 by Amy
by Dr. Eowyn |
The [British] National Archives (BNA) is an executive agency of the
government of the United Kingdom. Based in Kew in southwest London, the BNA is
the UK government’s official archive, containing 1,000 years of history from
Domesday Book to the present, with records from parchment and paper scrolls to
digital files and archived websites, including Foreign Office and Colonial
Office correspondence and files. The collections held by the BNA can be searched
using their online catalogue. Entrance to the Archives is free.
On April 18, 2012, the BNA released the first batch of thousands of “lost”
colonial-era files believed to have been destroyed, including files on Britain’s
former colony of Kenya. Reporters at the UK’s The Guardian were among the first
who looked at some of the newly released colonial files. They found that the
name of Barack Obama (henceforth, Obama Sr.), the father of the POS in the White
House, is on the top of a list of names revealed in a hitherto secret British
colonial file of Kenyans studying in the United States.
But it’s not just UK journalists who can access the British National
Archives; anyone can. In May 2012, someone conducted a search of the Archives
using the search term “Obama” and found that an unnamed son of Obama Sr. was
born in Kenya in 1961. Since the POS in the White House is the only known son of
Obama Sr. born after 1960 and before 1963 when Kenya became officially
independent from the UK, it is reasonable for us to conclude that the POS is
that unnamed son of Obama Sr. born in Kenya in 1961. And in fact, the claimed
birth date of the POS is August 4, 1961.
Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (l); Stanley Ann Dunham (r). For a couple who
supposedly married and had a child together, it is odd to say the least that
there is not a single photo of Obama and Dunham together. Below are excerpts
from Dan Crosby’s on-site report from Kew for The Daily Pen, “Obama’s Kenya
Birth Records Discovered in British National Archives,” July 18, 2012:
Evidence discovered shows British Protectorate of East Africa recorded
Obama’s birth records before 1963 and sent returns of those events to Britain’s
Public Records Office and the Kew branch of British National Archives. [...]
It now appears the worst fears of the U.S. Constitution’s framers were well
founded as investigators working on behalf of the ongoing investigation into the
Constitutional eligibility of Barack Obama have found yet another lead in a
growing mountain of evidence within the public records section of the British
National Archives indicating the occurrence of at least four vital events
registered to the name of Barack Obama, taking place in the British Protectorate
of East Africa (Kenya) between 1953 and 1963, including the birth of two sons
before 1963.
Recall, investigative journalists working for have already
discovered biographical information published by Barack Obama’s literary agent
in which he claimed he was born in Kenya. Prior to Obama’s ensconcement to the
White House, many international stories also stated that Obama was Kenyan-born
as did members of Kenya’s legislative assembly. Since then information on
Obama’s ties has been curtailed by government officials as the Obama
administration has coincidentally paid nearly $4 billion dollars for capital
projects in Kenya.
Also, the presence of Obama’s mother, Ann Dunham, cannot be accounted for
from February, 1961, the alleged month of her marriage to Obama, until three
weeks after the birth of Obama II in August, 1961 when she allegedly applied for
college courses at the University of Washington. Theories about her whereabouts
have included that she participated in the Air Lift America project as an
exchange student and traveled to Nairobi as one of many recent high school
graduates (see AASF Report 1959-1961).
The record of birth of a second son prior to Kenyan independence is
significant because biographical information about Obama’s family indicates
Obama Sr. fathered only one other son prior to Obama II’s birth.
The books containing hand written line records of vital events attributed to
Obama [Sr.] are contained in Series RG36 of the Family Records section in the
Kew branch of the BNA. The hand written line records first discovered in 2009,
indicate several events were registered to the name Barack Obama (appears to be
handwritten and spelled “Burack” and “Biraq”) beginning in 1953 and include two
births recorded in 1958 and 1960, a marriage license registration in 1954 and a
birth in 1961. Barack Obama [Sr.] is said to have died in 1982 and had married
at least once more in Kenya and had at least one more child in 1968, but no
record of these were found in the BNA because, according to the Archives’ desk
reference, the events occurred after Kenya achieved independence from British
colonial rule in 1963.
To date, Barack Obama II is the only known alleged son of Obama Sr. born
after 1960 and before the independence of Kenya became official in 1963.
A request for information from the BNA on the specification of birth
information contained in the series of thousands of logs indicates that only
vital events registered in Kenya’s Ministry of Health offices were recorded in
the registration returns and were placed in the National Archives care before
they reached 30 years old (the law was amended to 20 years after creation in
The line records do not specify the identity or names of the children, only
gender. However, the line records are associated with index numbers of actual
microfilm copies of certificates, licenses and registration applications filed
in the archives. According to researchers, Obama [Sr.]’s line records were
discovered in Series RG36, reference books. Not surprisingly, when researchers
specifically requested access to the relevant microfilm for the Obama [Sr.]
birth registrations, they were told that the records were currently held under
an outdated “privileged access” status, meaning researchers were denied access
under Chapter 52, Sections 3 and 5 of the British Public Records Act of 1958.
However, evidence shows these records were available for public access before
August of 2009, the approximate date of arrival of Hillary Clinton in Great
Britain during her trip to Africa that year.
Several sources show that Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton made a sudden
visit to the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the British agency which
oversees Public Records Archives from colonial protectorates, to speak with the
Chief Executive of the Archives in early August of 2009. African news agency
expressed surprise at Clinton’s arrival since she did not announce her
intentions of stopping in Great Britain before embarking on her two week trip to
For someone who wanted to remain in America, it’s difficult to imagine any
reason why Barack Obama’s alleged father, Barack the elder, would omit the birth
of an “anchor baby” son on an application to extend his visa, just days after
the birth occurred, unless…
The American people were told by Barack Obama, unequivocally, that his father
was a former goat herder from Kenya. However, INS documents filed in the very
same month after Obama’s birth suggest the goat herding elder Obama didn’t “get
the memo” that he was a daddy.
On August 31st, 1961, just weeks after Obama’s birth was allegedly registered
in a regional office of the Hawaiian Health Department, Obama the elder
neglected to name his newborn son on an application for extension of his
temporary visa to stay in the U.S.
Obama’s omission of the birth is astonishing and illogical given the fact
that the acknowledgement of the birth would have fortified Obama’s application
for an extension. The INS has long been more willing to extend the visa of a
foreign parent of children born in the U.S., especially when the other parent is
an American citizen.
Despite the recent release of a documentary film “Dreams From My Real Father”
presenting evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is not the biological father of
the younger Obama, the elder Obama is the man named as the father on the digital
image of Obama’s alleged 1961 “Certificate of Live Birth” which was posted to
the internet by the administration in April of 2011. The document image has
since been forensically examined by law enforcement investigators and determined
to be a digitally fabricated forgery using Adobe software.
[...], in 2011, it was reported by The Daily Pen after an investigation of
the State of Hawaii’s birth statistics collection protocols and vital records
history that birth certificates are often amended after the birth while the
original paper document is sealed under strict confidentiality rules when the
identity of the father is either determined after birth or when the father named
on the new version of the certificate has adopted or assumed paternal
responsibility for the child.
In the latter case, the original birth record may not contain the biological
father’s name because the mother does not provide it, or it may list paternity
as “unknown”, but this version is kept confidential under HRS 571. [...]
Therefore, the paternity of the child at the actual time of the birth is not
disclosed while the new amended certificate is upheld as the original version
displaying the name of the newly identified or adoptive father as
indistinguishable if different from the biological father. This law is meant to
protect the child from stigmas resulting from illegitimacy, rape, incest or
adultery. Under these circumstances it is not possible to know the paternal
status of a child at birth unless the original birth record is made accessible
by authorized persons under Hawaiian law.
[...] If Obama [Sr.] is not the biological father, or if paternal information
is listed on the original certificate as “unknown”, the state of Hawaii keeps
this information secret until a court orders the documents to be released for
discovery purposes in determining Obama’s eligibility. Thus far, courts have
lacked courage to uphold the Constitution thereby propagating the greatest
political fraud in American history. Judges are simply washing their hands of
the issue by refusing to even consider actual evidence against Obama, denying
citizens of justice and their Constitutional right to a redress of grievances,
because they simply do not have the courage to face the legal crisis such a
revelation would cause.
[...] Despite evidence indicating that Obama was simultaneously married to a
woman in Kenya, it is suspected that he claimed to be married to Dunham in order
to use the marriage as leverage to remain in the U.S. There is no evidence or
testimony that Obama [Sr.] ever loved Dunham or that the two had ever been
engaged. The two did not live together before or after being married and there
were no letters, no ring, no announcement or, most importantly, no legal
marriage registration with the State of Hawaii.
Despite a complete void of documented proof of the marriage, it appears
Dunham was granted a statutory divorce from Obama in 1964. However, images
posted of the court documents from the decree contain no original documented
proof of a marriage or legal documents showing that Obama was the father of
Dunham’s child. A review of the court documents shows that at least one
document, perhaps an original birth certificate for baby Obama, was missing from
the numbering sequence.
Being legitimately married to a U.S. citizen would be a benefit toward
allowing a foreign spouse to remain the U.S. However, no marriage license
application or public announcement has ever been found to indicate that Obama
and Dunham were ever married or that Obama [Sr.] had even divorced his Kenyan
wife prior to an alleged wedding with Dunham. This fact supports the contents of
memos from college and INS officials who expressed doubts about the legitimacy
of Obama’s relationship with Dunham, even questioning the motive of such a union
between a teenage woman and a foreign student facing visa expiration just days
after the birth of her child.
[...] Government officials in Hawaii, including Governor Neil Abercrombie,
Lt. Governor Brian Schatz and former Hawaiian elections official, Tim Adams have
all indicated that they could find no original record of Obama’s alleged birth
in any hospital in Hawaii in the course of their duties to verify his
eligibility. The absence of verifiable birth documentation was so apparent that
Schatz, serving as the chairman of the Democrat Party of Hawaii in 2008, refused
to certify that Obama was indeed constitutionally eligible to hold the office of
presidentwhen he submitted the Official Certification of Nomination of Obama.
Schatz deferred the responsibility to Nancy Pelosi and DNC, and then Chair of
the Hawaiian Elections Commission, Kevin Cronin. Cronin resigned suddenly after
controversy surrounding his decision began to strain his relationship with the
[...] Liars and abettors in media and government, drudging on behalf of the
Obama administration, have anchored their Alinsky-style ridicule of those
questioning Obama’s eligibility in a delusion that he must be legitimate because
his birth was announced in two Hawaiian newspapers.
[...] Hawaii has a long history of allocating foreign births to the mother’s
claimed Hawaiian residence regardless of the actual location of the birth, which
was in compliance with guidelines established by the National Center for Health
Statistics in order to accurately attribute data from births with decadal Census
figures. [...] The impact of population figures on the Hawaii’s economy and
agency resources was very significant in 1961. The accuracy of the Census takes
precedence over the accuracy and veracity of vital statistics in the U.S. [...]
According to Dan Crosby, the specific sources of information pertaining to
births of Kenyan nationals under British jurisdiction can be researched in the
following BNA files (Courtesy: British National Archives):
General Register Office SERIES RG36 Registers and Returns of Births,
Marriages and Deaths in the Protectorates etc of Africa and Asia Legal status:
Public Record(s) Language: English Creator names: General Register Office,
1836-1970 Covering Birth Registration dates: 1895-1965 Physical description: 15
volume(s) Access conditions: Available in microform only Held by: The National
Archives, Kew Scope and content: Notifications forwarded by officials
responsible for civil registration under administrative ordinances in Nyasaland,
Kenya, Somaliland, Uganda, Sudan, Palestine, Sarawak, Malaya, including Johore
and Selangor, and British North Borneo, commencing at varying dates. Publication
note: Geoffrey Yeo ‘The British Overseas, A Guide to Records of Their Births,
Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths and Burials Available in the United Kingdom’,
London, 2nd edn, 1988. Related material: Some earlier returns from the East
African territories in the period during which they were under Foreign Office
control are in the consular registers retained in the custody of the registrar
general. Place: Kenya, Africa (Territory Thereof): 1920 – 1963 Subjects: Birth:
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