Saturday, November 17, 2012

***The Incredible Arrogance Of Liberals: Inheritance Tax***

by The Wizard

I must say I was actually insulted to hear some academic say that we don't want a lot of wealth being created and passed to future generations, like it was any of his damn business.....

Who do these assholes think they are to decide how much anyone can work for and keep for himself...and then give to his family....the founders would wonder what they fought for if not to allow those who want to work to make their families independent of working their lives away, 40 hours or more a week......

I say those are life's winners....and screw those who think different...move, get out and leave America to those who wish to dream and build and allow their following family generations of enjoying life without a broken back.....
The inheritance tax is an insult to Washington, Jefferson, ET AL.....they built this great nation so men could be free.....
They would be back in the streets today revolting over what this government has turned into.....and a person like bama could never be elected, even if he was as white as they were......
It's never been his color, it's always been his policies.....
And I say to anyone who thinks we need more revenue...we need less spending....we need less arrogance, and we need less government.
