Thursday, November 15, 2012

All Germans rounded up to vote (Hitler's Get Out The Vote Drive Much Like Obama's)

Guardian UK ^ | November 13, 1933

The Guardian, Monday 13 November 1933 08.01 EST
The results of the German referendum and elections to the Reichstag yesterday show, as was expected, an overwhelming majority for Herr Hitler.
A less expected result of the elections is the number of Germans who have dared to vote against Herr Hitler's policy.
The electors were asked to say in the referendum whether they approved of Herr Hitler's decision that Germany should leave the League of Nations and the Disarmament Conference. In the elections to the Reichstag they were simply asked to vote for the Nazi list. There were no candidates to vote for but Nazis.
Provisional final figures issued early this morning gave the following results:-
Nazis..................39,655,288... 93.4%
Invalid votes..........3,352,289 ... 7.8%
Total votes...........43,007,577
"Yes"................... 40,618,147 ... 93.4%
"No" .................... 2,055,363 ..... 4.7%
Invalid votes ......... 790,910 ........ 1.9%
Total votes ........... 43,464,420
Chancellor Hitler spent the evening listening to the radio for the election results. President von Hindenburg, instead of retiring early as usual, stayed up with members of his family.
Nazis' house-to-house calls
One of the new methods used by the Nazis in the elections was a rigorous house-to-house call during the day to ascertain whether the occupants had voted. The same reason was given throughout Germany: "We do this because Germany's right to exist is now a question of to be or not to be."
Concentration camps' vote
At the concentration camp of Osthofen, near Frankfort, of the 88 inmates entitled to vote 79 voted "Yes" on the referendum question and endorsed the Reichstag list.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
