Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obama Gives Up, Goes Back to DC to Work On His Exit Package!

My Fertile Brain by Steely Tom

Let me tell you something boys and girls:
Obama has given up. He knows it's over.

He made this decision in Florida when he decided to "come back to Washington to direct the Sandy relief effort."


He knows he's going down, and he came back to DC to (a) spare himself the anguish of having his narcissistic supply on the campaign trail, and (b) to plot the course of his final 83 das in office.
Part of the latter is this: what kind of deal is he going to be able to make to get himself and his cronies off the hook for any number of bombs he's now got ticking under himself. These include all the ones we know about - Benghazi, F&F, the "green" companies - plus (I'm sure) many others.
How does he get the best deal for himself on these? Who among his inner circle does he include in the deal?
The "deal" includes many elements. Obama still has many cards to play between election night and 20-Jan-2013.
Obviously, he has the pardon pen. A biggie.
He also has all kinds of nasty things he can do with Presidential power. He can, for instance, bargain over what he does with the vast amount of classified information he has direct control over. He can reclassify much of this at his whim, on the basis of an Executive Order.
He can make things Top Secret that are currently Secret. And he can convert anything he wants to Unclassified as well.
He can - and, I'm betting, will - play hardball with this against the Republicans in the House and Senate who are coming after him on all kinds of issues.
Nasty, but one must expect nasty from this guy, who cares not a whit for the United States and never has.
Another thing to consider: Do we really want to "go after him" for everything, even after he's out of office?
Making kidnappers or rapists eligable for the death penalty simply increases the chance that they'll see no upside to letting their victims live once the criminal knows he has no chance for escape.
Same here. Do we benefit more - as a country - by letting Obama and his claque swim away, or do we continue to press for justice after they're gone?
