Saturday, July 28, 2012

Obama Calls Poverty Of Nation Successful Economic Policy!

The Daily Rant ^ | July 27,2012 | Mychal Massie

I wonder what the numbers would look like if Obama’s plan didn’t work? 

And lest we forget, just last week Obama flared his nostrils in a crazed, rage-filled outburst and railed against successful business owners–telling them that they weren’t responsible for the success of their companies, someone else (specifically the government) was. He shouted that they weren’t as smart as they thought they were and that other people had worked just as hard as they had, if not harder. And again the people his campaign had carefully assembled, grinned and cheered on cue in agreement.
The other morning, as I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a good cigar from the comfort of my king-sized bed, I watched part of the “Rocky and Bullwinkle” movie. (It was either either that or Fox and Friends).

There was a part in the movie where the masses were seated, with glasses on, staring at a person on a monitor, shouting in unison, “I will vote for fearless leader.” That is apparently what we have today: people sitting before (TV) monitors, chanting in unison, “Obama will take care of us.”
It defies every measure of reality that Obama believes his policies have worked. Every measurable index proves the exact opposite. That means either Obama is knowingly lying and misleading the people, or worse he is completely disconnected from reality.
That said, his own words and actions prove he is a mendacious narcissistic Marxist-Leninist unfit to occupy the White House.
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