Monday, April 30, 2012

America’s Bataan Death March toward Socialism prodded along at the point of Obama’s bayonet! ^ | April 30, 2012 | George Splevin, staff writer

A bone chilling video that should scare the daylights out of every United States citizen is making the rounds as Lt. Gen. (Ret) W. G. Boykin warns us in no uncertain terms that Barack Obama and his administration is marching this country into Marxism at an alarming speed.

And if you still don’t believe the Green Beret, just review and send comments to Notre Dame President John Jenkins because a far left group is asking the IRS to remove a Catholic Diocese’s tax exempt status because Catholic principles are being preached inside the Peoria Catholic Church. Email Father Jenkins at now!!!

Lt. Gen. Boykin spells out the six major steps Barack Obama has taken to march our beloved country into statist slavery by removing our inalienable rights and freedoms set into our beloved Constitution by our founders!

And what is even scarier, we are seeing precious little action out of especially GOP Congressmen to stop him NOW!
Boykin states the following Marxist Model Obama is using: 1) Nationalization of Major Sectors of U.S. Economy. Think Bail Outs here.
2) Redistribution of wealth. Hello, if you are unaware of the Buffet Rule and the 1%-99% OWS street wars, then you’re part of the problem.
3) Discredit Opposition to Obama’s Dictates. Remember when his Homeland Security memo hit the fan about the dangers of American pro life and right wing groups, returning veterans.
Never do we hear of any dangers of terrorism from Islam from the man who states, “I have known Islam on three continents.” The FBI is currently scrubbing its training manuals of any negativity about Islam because of SENSITIVITY fears.
4) Censorship. Boykin says the Hate Crimes legislation passed by Congress directly targets our Pastors who preach Biblical principles against homosexuality……
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
