Saturday, December 12, 2015

Why do Progressives think Non-Citizen even have American rights?

 The one thing about the hornet's nest in the media that Trump kicked over the other day was the whole idea that it was somehow wrong to ask an incoming immigrant about their religious affiliation.

But I ask you all, why did all the progressives either the republicans or the democrat progressives all whine and moan like stuck little piggies about this issue?

They seem to come from the perspective that the rights protected in Constitution extend to everyone everywhere in the world. This is absurd, plain outright absurd and dangerous. Their interpretation of "Protected American Rights" would then mean that we would have to invade every other country in the world to protect the rights of other country's citizens.
If the bill of right extend to everyone in the world why are we not invading Canada right now for their recent curtailing of Canadian's freedom of speech? Or invade the U.K. in order to enforce the 2nd amendment for their citizens. Or any other country in that regard???
There is no absolute protected freedom of religion for an alien, here legally or not, even within our countries borders. It also applies to freedom of speech and also the second amendment for non-citizens. However once a non-citizen goes through the process of learning about how our government is supposed to work and their rights and THEN gets sworn in as a naturalized citizen ONLY THEN do they gain the rights we citizens enjoy.
We could ban non-citizens (on Visas or in the process of immigrating legally) from owning weapons within our borders. We could even make it a lengthy process for a non-citizen immigrant who is jumping through the hoops to become a citizen to restrict it down to singe shot guns if we wanted. However once sworn in as a citizen they have all the rights as the rest of the actual citizens. Of course the progressives never seem to argue for non-citizens having 2nd amendment rights because they are animals of their agenda.
The progressives want to blur the lines on what rights we have between what rights a non-citizen has. If we reach a point to where non-citizens enjoy a majority of the rights that a citizen does, then what next? What does the the citizen have that a non-citizen have at that point? They only thing "we citizens" have at this point is an "Obligation to the State".
If all we are left in difference is our Obligations? Why remain a citizen within our own borders? What advantage is that? Being a citizen then becomes a liability... When it becomes too much of a liability what next? Civil war? People renouncing their citizenship in favor of a non-resident alien in their own country status?
