Sunday, December 1, 2013

Under the Hammer: will the mainstream media finally vet Obama?

Rhino Times ^ | 11/21/13 | John Hammer 

Maybe with the complete and utter failure of Obamacare – an initiative that the mainstream media swallowed hook, line and sinker – the mainstream media will finally vet Obama.

We don’t know much about the man. We knew what Bush’s grade point average was at Yale, and that his grade point average was actually higher than that of Secretary of State John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004. We know all about Bush’s record in the Texas Air National Guard, including records that are supposed to be confidential, such as how often he made it to roll call.
We have no idea how well Obama did at Occidental College. We don’t even know if he played basketball there. The coach says he did. Some players who have been interviewed have said that he may have played but they don’t remember.
Wouldn’t it be nice just to know?
It would be interesting to know how he got from Occidental to Columbia University. He says that he wasn’t much of a student at Occidental, so how did he manage to get in one of the top universities in the country?
The New York Times spent three months investigating whether or not Sen. John McCain had an affair with a lobbyist. The final report was that McCain’s staff thought he spent too much time with this lobbyist, but they couldn’t come up with any evidence of an affair. The New York Times ran the story on the front page anyway.
But it doesn’t appear that any of the mainstream media that have the resources to devote to really digging into a rumor to find out if it is a story or not has ever delved into Obama’s background. Most of what we know about Obama comes from his books about himself, and even Obama admits that he made up characters and situations. In other words, it’s not really an autobiography as much as it is a novel about himself.
Why is there no curiosity by the mainstream media about this man who has been president for more than four years and still has more than three left in the White House?
How did Obama get in Harvard Law School? He certainly didn’t light any fires when he was at Columbia. According to the news reports, it’s hard to find anyone who even remembers him at Columbia. Most of the people who get into Harvard Law School did more during their college careers than just attend classes and make decent grades. What did Obama do that caused his application to go into the accepted pile rather than the pile of straight-A students who didn’t get in?
If he has such a great legal mind, where are the publications where he proves that he does? He was a law professor who didn’t spend much time at the law school and didn’t publish any papers.
We don’t even know what religion Obama is, other than he says that he is a Christian. But he wasn’t raised a Christian and he has completely rejected the pastor and the teachings of the only Christian church he ever attended for any length of time. We do know that while he claimed to be an active member of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church, he didn’t contribute to the church in any meaningful way. He and his wife were making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and then millions of dollars a year, yet his church contributions were miniscule.
He completely rejects the religion preached by Wright, he didn’t contribute to the church, and yet he claims that he was an active member of the church. Couldn’t somebody do a little research and find out if Obama is telling the truth about being an active member of Trinity United Church of Christ.
Obama’s mother was an atheist and his father and his stepfather were both Muslims. It is a huge deviation from his upbringing if Obama really is a Christian, but we don’t even know that about him, other than what Obama says.
Why is it wrong to ask questions about the president of the United States? We know these things about past presidents, and even about people who ran for president, but if you ask any questions about Obama then it means you are a “birther,” which means you are some kind of nut. Why did he refuse to release his birth certificate for so long? It is not a document that most people consider confidential.
Even the story of his parents’ relationship is most often inaccurately reported in the press. Most reports state that after they were married for two years his father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., left the family and went to Harvard. What is not reported is that his mother had already left his father and was attending school in Washington State. His mother only moved back to Hawaii, where Obama was born, after his father left for Harvard. How could his father leave his mother by leaving Hawaii when she wasn’t even in Hawaii? It may be that the two never lived together. If they did, it was for a very short time.
Marriages break up all the time. It certainly doesn’t reflect badly on President Obama if his parents married and immediately split up. Today most likely they wouldn’t bother to get married at all, but the 1960s was a different era.
Why doesn’t some journalist do what journalists do and find the documentation that would give the American people some information on the background of their president that doesn’t come from the president’s own fictionalized account of his life?
