Tuesday, September 25, 2012

'Redistribution" = Destruction of Wealth!

Mr.K ^ | 9/25/12 | Mr.K

Redistibution means taking away from one person to give to someone else.

It is Theft.

It is Wrong, no matter how "fair" you think you are being.

Just ask your kids- if you take something away from one to give to the other they will instantly know "that's NOT fair"

But it is WORSE than that- it is the destruction of potential wealth.
Just like the "Broken Glass" theory is 100% back-asswards, so is "redistribution"
Let me use my favorite example.
Two people in a fictional closed system containing a starting value of $100.
Alan has $100 and Bob has nothing. The government takes $40 from Alan to 'redistribute' to Bob in Welfare payments.
There is $100 still in this example, $60 in Alan's pocket and $40 in Bob's.
But Bob has no incentive to go look for work, he is getting money for nothing. And Alan is Pissed off that he got $40 taken from him to give to someone who didnt earn it.
There is still only $100 in this whole system and two poorly motivated people. No new wealth.
But... with the same $100..
If Alan hires Bob to build him a boat, and pays him $40 for it, then let's see what you have.
Alan has $60 left in his pocket, but he also now has a $40 boat, so he still has the equivalent of his original $100.
Bob has $40 in his pocket and a job and a new skill.
There is now $140 in this system- ($60 + $40 + a $40 boat)
New wealth was created by LABOR and not redistribution.
In addition Alan is happy with his new boat. Bob is happy with his new job.
But that is not even the worst part.
The government admits Welfare is only 27% efficient (lets round it to 30)
So In order to give $30,000 per year to a family on Welfare 'benefits' it has to TAKE IN $100,000.
$70,000 is lost in the paperwork,.. or the equivalent of a darn good full time salary.
So, there is the equivalent of one full time government employee for each family on welfare.
Even if I am wrong by half there is still the equivalent of one fulltime government employee for each TWO famiiles on welfare
It would be cheaper just to give the Welfare Family Household leader a $30,000 job.
A LOT cheaper.
And this is what CHURCHES and CHARITIES do. They do it at around 85% efficiency or better
