Sunday, August 27, 2017

Swirling Down The Memory-Hole...what ever happened to...

Original Material | 8/26/2017 | By Laz A. Mataz 

In late 2011, when the Fast and Furious Obama-gunrunning scandal broke the news media logjam, I noticed something very odd: Almost immediately thereafter, two other major scandals broke open almost simultaneously. Soylandra, a 'green energy' startup, was shown to have misused and diverted millions of dollars, and there was a heavy political involvement by the Obama administration. Secondly, it emerged that the IRS was bending rules for liberal political advocacy groups and slow-walking the approval of conservative ones.
It seemed to me, at the time, to be an Alinksy-style tactic: Overwhelming the system. By introducing and nearly-admitting several scandals at once, the public could not truly focus on any one of them, and soon the uproar diminished. It blew over. Certainly, one or another of the scandals was mentioned, from time to time, but no true prosecution or investigation that resulted in indictments followed.
I remember marveling at the sheer genius of it, and wondering if this was the machination and intellectual brain-child of Valerie Jarrett, the snakelike advisor to Barack Obama that seemed to compare more to Gregor Rasputin of Czarist Russia, than any other advisor in history.
The ploy seemed to have worked, and since then, many scandals and bad-faith operations have emerged. All manner of leftist organizations and government officials have acted illegally or unethically, yet they are never held to account.
Because these actions have fallen into some sort of 'Memory Hole', it is important that we revisit them: Collect them in one place, and ask why no consequences have been meted out to the actors.
  1. Whatever happened to the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal, in which the Obama administration allowed many thousands of American firearms to end up in the hands of Mexican drug lords?
  2. Whatever happened to the CNN brazen blackmail and extortion of a private citizen who created a CNN-disparaging animated picture, including an outright threat to expose that citizen at any point in the future if he did not kowtow to CNN's wishes?
  3. Whatever happened to the investigative charges as regards Hillary Clinton's brazen circumventing of long-standing Federal rules about preserving emails for FOIA requests, by establishing an illegal mail server in her home?
  4. Whatever happened to the charges, eventually admitted to, of illegal unmasking of Trump and his associates by Susan Rice?
  5. Whatever happened to the inexplicable 'robbery' in which Seth Rich was killed, when Julian Assange of WikiLeaks directly implies that he was the DNC email leaker? Who really killed Seth Rich, and why?
  6. Whatever happened to the crimes committed by Debbie Wasserman Shultz, with her highly-paid Pakastani hackers who send just under a million to people in Pakistan? One of them, Imran Awan, was arrested at the airport carrying 10's of thousands of dollars. Whatever happened to him?
  7. Whatever happened to the lying claim that the attack on the Benghazi compound was precipitated by a video critical of Islam? Why is that falsely-accused video-creator still stained by prosecution?
  8. Whatever happened to the EPA, after they ruined a river -- perhaps forever -- with heavy-metal pollution?
  9. Whatever happened to the investigation of 'pay to play' to get Hillary's attention, with money funneled through the Clinton Foundation?
  10. Whatever happened to the 500 billion dollars, missing from HUD that Ben Carson discovered? Why are there no follow-up investigations?
  11. Whatever happened to the 400 million dollars that was not-so-secretly sent to Iran... in cash? Where did it come from? Why was it permitted? What use is it being put to? Who allowed it?
  12. Whatever happened to the revelation that the NSA illegally kept the communication data of every American? What is being done to stop them from continuing? Why are there no prosecutions for those who allowed it?
  13. Whatever happened to the news that the Obama administration wiretapped Trump Tower (and Donald Trump's associates), during an election, in a manner that reminds one of the old East German police state? Why have no heads rolled for this egregious behavior?
  14. Whatever happened to the IRS illegally targeting Conservative political groups for special investigative treatment, and slow-walking the approval of those groups? Where is Lois Lerner, and why has she never faced consequences for her actions?
These are fourteen of the biggest scandals. There are hundreds more. Yet they have vanished from the public psyche, and the corrupt and complicit media has taken pains to ignore them. The scandal emerges, it gets a few days press treatment -- then it sunsets -- to be spoken of only occasionally, and in hushed tones.
Blame for this 'new normal' can be laid at two places: The purposed overwhelming of the nation by committing as many scandals as possible in as short a period as possible, and the corruption of a wholly partisan 'news media'. (I have often said that a Liberal can eat a live baby on the Capital steps, and the news media would tell us that the child had it coming and commend the Liberal's choice of barbeque sauce, whereas a Conservative could sit quietly in a church, and the news media would shriek for their impeachment for the crime of loitering.)
We cannot allow all these crimes and scandals to sunset. If we do, we risk America's entire rule-of-law.
