Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Single-Payer Litmus Test For Democrats? Go For It!

Investor's Business Daily ^ | 8/8/2017 | Staff 

Socialism: The Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party could mount primary challenges against candidates who don't fully embrace socialized medicine. They should. It would be a clarifying moment for a party that has been drifting toward the extreme left for some time.
Sanders' presidential pollster Ben Tulchin told Politico this week that "within the Democratic Party, this is fast-emerging as a litmus test." And Sanders, in an email to supporters, promises to "take on" not just insurance and drug companies, but "the establishment wing of the Democratic Party" to realize his dream of medical socialism in America.
If they succeed, whatever is left of the old mainstream Democrats would be swept away. And for what?
While polls show support for single-payer health care creeping upward — in which all private insurance plans would be outlawed and every American would be put on the equivalent of Medicaid — that's largely because the polls never bother to point out the massive costs and disruptions of socialized medicine.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
