Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Those who hurl Hitler & fascist epithets at Trump are epic failures at grasping the irony of it all

Flopping Aces ^ | 03-14-17 | DrJohn 

Yesterday Sean Spicer was accosted by a woman (ambushed is more like it) in an Apple store. Her name is Shree Chauhan. Watch the video and see the pure hate she heaps upon Spicer.
Despite her deranged harassment Spicer, to his great credit, stayed polite and calm.  Her behavior is appalling. It is uncivil. And as such, she is the epitome of the left. She is the poster child for Trump Derangement Syndrome, and there is an Army behind her. Chauhan hit Spicer with the highly cliched accusation first:
"How does it feel to work for a fascist?"
I won't bore you with any of the 15,700,000 examples of "Trump fascist" search on Google.
Nor will I bother you with the 32,000,000 examples of "Trump Hitler" on Google.
The Hitler analogy?  I'll let Regie Hamm explain:
Hitler was a real life murdering sociopath. He wasn’t just a charismatic speaker who incrementally fell into bad behavior. He wasn’t just a racist corrupted by unfettered power. In other words, you or I probably couldn’t end up being Hitler. A garden variety KKK leader probably couldn’t end up being Hitler either …or a community organizer …or a New York real-estate tycoon. It’s not that easy or simple.
You'll want to read the whole thing.
You are simply an idiot if you whip out this one. My father was a WWII combat vet fighting Hitler and the Nazis. His safe space was a foxhole into which he would dive when the shelling began. Fascist? Let's take a look at that.
Definition of fascism
  1. 1often capitalized:  a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
Does a fascist allow you to accuse him of fascism unfettered? Does a fascist allow you to make a video of you assassinating him without retribution? You might want to check in at the Hotel Kim Jong Un and explore the amenities.
What American has had his or her rights abridged or curtailed under the Hitler/fascist Trump? Please- stand up now.
Those who hurl the Hitler and fascist epithets at Trump are epic failures at grasping the irony of it all. They are free- free to call Trump Hitler and a fascist and clearly she has no fear of retribution. These morons are free to protest without the IRS being set upon them as happened in the last administration. In our showcase example Shree Chauhan was free to prove herself to be an ignorant twit full of blind hatred.
(Excerpt) Read more at floppingaces.net ...
