Wednesday, February 1, 2017

President Trump Is Saying: I Will Protect America FIRST!

IWB ^ | Pamela Williams 

Remember all the promises Obama made but never executed? We have a new President now, and he is ready to put his pen where his mouth is.

Remember what President Trump ran on? Didn’t he say, “I will put AMERICA FIRST.” And that is exactly what he is doing. You can count on Trump to do what he says, even if it is unpopular with the citizens, he knows why his voters chose him.

Obama spent 8 years commending terrorists by not acknowledging their works. He opened the United States up to those who wanted to destroy it, by not acknowledging them as terrorists. He seemingly apologized for Americans, and he made us feel we were delusional to think we were in danger. He handed us to the globalists without hesitation.

Obama conducted half-way military interventions, and he thought Americans would not notice. He cut back on our military and fired Generals who questioned him. He made the US a target for radical Islamic terrorists, and he would not even speak the truth. He destroyed legitimate rulers who were fighting terrorists. Half of Libya is now run by ISIS or al Qaeda allies. He helped the Muslim Brotherhood come to power in Egypt. I could go on and on, but I will say this President Trump will not follow in his footsteps.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
