Sunday, January 15, 2017

The Blessed Return of the Alpha Male

The Coach's Team ^ | 1/15/17 | Suzanne Eovaldi 

Thank heaven for the return of the Alpha Male. What a relief! I'm so sick and tired of the feminization of our country that I must take a moment here to tell you of my thoughts. Watching President Elect Donald Trump in calm, non-shouting modulation handle the very hot mess of his first news conference made me wonder how the women I've known over the years, myself included, would have handled that wood chopper. He knew beforehand he would be in for it and he did his homework. He had his background preps well reviewed, had his support documentation (incidentally in the presence of his very competent female tax attorney) took to his new podium and made it his own.
The abject abomination of the "dossier" event was about the worst case of journalism fail I have ever witnessed. Mr. Trump was the epitome of America's Alpha Male, now thankfully returned to his rightful place of leadership in America. Early one morning I began to think back about how my male students vs. my female students handled confrontations. Many years ago, one of my beginning composition students was fulfilling his English composition requirement before applying for admission to the University of Illinois' prestigious Engineering School. He very much needed an A from me to complete his transcripts.
Then came the Thanksgiving Holiday break when I always graded my final essays and research papers. My pre engineering student had turned in very heavy pagination full of numbers, formulas, math fright equations that he had to know I would be in over my head trying to grade. I set his paper aside and finished my large stack. Then, after rereading his paper one more time, I decided form here carried over substance simply because a pre-engineering student needed to...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
