Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Take the fun 2017 political quiz

original to FR | Jan 3, 2017 | Peter O'Donnell 


1. As a goodwill gesture, the Trumps plan to give the Obamas what parting gift?
(a) Signed biographies of Donald Trump (b) ankle bracelets (c) free one-way air tickets to Caracas (d) the cold shoulder
2. Hillary Clinton's next project will be
(a) Senator for California (b) escape tunnel from jail (c) a pizzeria franchise (d) a frank chat with her campaign advisors
3. Paul Ryan enjoys TV and he's often seen watching
(a) The Travel Channel (b) The History Channel (c) His Back (d) two of the above
4. Mike Pence said he knew the election was in the bag when
(a) Trump made a successful tour of the Midwest states (b) God appeared to him in a dream (c) The electoral college failed to screw up (d) He was revived by smelling salts early on November 9th.
5. Rudy Giuliani is still optimistic that
(a) He will be ambassador to Bulgaria (b) Donald Trump will recognize him in February (c) The old job is still open (d) The first three Secretaries of State will fail
6. Barack Obama is already working on a new book entitled
(a) Pivot to Nuance, the Obama Years (b) Man Could I Use a _____ (double entendre) (c) Yeah okay so I screwed up (d) My arrogance still remains
7. Ted Cruz figures that his best chance of being president now would be
(a) to defeat Mike Pence in the 2024 primaries (b) to defeat Ivanka Trump in the 2036 primaries (c) to join the Democrats (d) to defeat Donald Trump IV in the 2080 primaries after miraculous advances in medicine
8. The most successful part of the Russian hacking was
(a) when they put happy gas into the drinking water (b) when they subtly influenced coverage on CNN (c) when they got people to question Clinton's past (d) when by doing nothing they got so much free publicity
9. In Mexico, the main concern these days is
(a) what will happen when ten million maids return (b) how to pay for that wall (c) losing half a million jobs (d) can the soccer team win the next World Cup
10. China is not worried about trade because
(a) they can afford to pay the slaves more by making them work 18 hour shifts instead of 12 for the same money
11. North Korea is not worried about a stern military response because
(a) they want to die, can't you tell? (b) they are nuts (c) they have no actual missiles or bombs (d) see 9 (a)
12. This quiz had
(a) all the fun and humor I expected (b) ten questions too many (c) twelve questions too many (d) so much interest from Soros that I have gone into hiding
