Sunday, January 22, 2017

Requiem for a Lightweight

American Thinker ^ | January 22, 2017 | Clarence Feldman 

As rioters trashed streets, smashed and burned property and attacked police just blocks from the securely cordoned off National Mall, the Inauguration of President Donald J. Trump took place. He gave a bold speech, reiterating his campaign promises. He would secure our borders, promote and protect U.S. interests, and revive an economy made moribund by the regulatory overreaching and policies of Obama and his Administration.

How refreshing it was to hear a crisp, muscular defense of our native land by a man who used “we,” not the incessant “I” and “me” of his predecessor. No more loopy faculty lounge locutions whose nice-sounding phrases papered over unconstitutional personal power grabs.
In the words of Ben Stein he’s a “shtarker,” a Yiddish word meaning a sturdy, strong man:

The NYT does not call the tune any longer. Voters get their news from a jillion sources on the Internet. The Times is a voice and a big voice. But there are a billion other voices now. And about half of the nation just does not believe Big Media any longer. They don’t buy the vicious lie that white people are all racists. They know that the Black Caucus and Black Lives Matter are real racists. They know Joe Sixpack isn’t and anyway, they don’t care.
They’re sick of being pushed around. They elected a tough guy who won’t be pushed around. He’s a shtarker and he cannot be broken in spirit by the thugs and bullies of the media.
The left will beat and beat and huff and puff. But it’s a different world now. Again… The people who elected Trump don’t remotely believe he’s a racist and they’re sick of hearing it anyway.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
