Monday, November 14, 2016

We Are in Good Hands with Trump

American Thinker ^ | November 14, 2016 | David Prentice 

For those of you pearl-clutchers on the right who haven't understood why Donald Trump is president-elect, here it is. The man known for the phrase "you're fired" should actually be known for another talent, which is to size up people well and hire them to get things done well. He's not just pretty good; it's a gift that needs to be seen for what it is, which is simple excellence in a time of mediocrity.
One of the principles in The Art of the Deal that Trump speaks of as being of utmost importance is having good instincts, and cultivating the use of them. It's been the key to his success in business, in television, and now in his short career as a politician. Newt Gingrich called him the fastest learner about politics he had ever seen, but it goes deeper than that. His gift of hiring people at the right time is the key to his ascendance.
We know that Trump has hired well during his business career. You don't do as well as he has without knowing how to hire and cultivate people. It's a given: in his business, he hired brilliantly.
You can see it in the campaign in two ways. First, look at the three different people he hired as his campaign managers during different segments of his campaign. Second, look at the advisers he has brought on to his team, those he trusted to help guide him through the minefields of an arena he knew little about.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
