Sunday, November 13, 2016

NPR: Change the staff or shut the operation down

NPR News this morning | 13 November 2016 | Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin 

Mr. Trump, please, do something about NPR (National Public Radio) upon taking office. That is one media outlet that can be changed or shut down. This morning I listened to their propaganda and they were talking about some girl who had allegedly been mistreated at school after the election. She and a boy had heated discussions prior to the election and he said something after the election that offended her.
They used that incident as a platform to insinuate that Trump supporters all over the nation were persecuting Clinton supporters...when in reality, the exact opposite is true. Please do something about changing out the entire staff at NPR or shutting it down. We didn't vote for you to be harassed day in and day out by the opposition. All of this needs to stop now. We are not going to tolerate it.
