Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Hillary’s own Twitter feed admits: she’s ‘one of the most corrupt, least popular, candidates of all

http://canadafreepress.com/article/hillarys-own-twitter-feed-admits-shes-one-of-the-most-corrupt-least-popular ^ 

No, really. It did.
I don’t know who’s running Hillary Clinton’s Twitter feed. It’s probably some poor, malnourished, lackey chained to a radiator in the basement next to her email server. They post a tweet, a little door opens in the wall, and a food pellet drops out. It’s a meager way to live but, if you’re working for Hillary, it could be worse. You could be Huma.
Whoever does her tweeting, they should be applauded. Yesterday, they interrupted her steady stream of lies, propaganda, and virulent attacks with a brief moment of clarity.
