Monday, October 10, 2016

"You'd be in Jail" -or- Welcome to the Banana Republic

Fred Zarguna | 2016-10-10 | Fred Zarguna 

With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, and all of the Founders.

This morning, the liberal press is up in arms at the suggestion that Trump might appoint a special prosecutor to "look into Hillary's situation."

That's a good one.
  • If your government has an avowed policy of not making payments to terrorists but pays $100 million per hostage to the largest terrorist organization in the world
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your Treasury Department and Central Bank are simply printing money in order to prop up the regime
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your balance sheet has more debt than all of the rest of the world combined
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your courts are telling you that the plain wording of your own Constitution means exactly the opposite of its English and historical meaning
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your law enforcement officers and election officials permit widespread vote fraud, voting by non-citizens and dead people, and oppose every means of enforcing fair elections
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your military's flag officers are more interested in putting fancy ribbons on their chests than they are about its capacity to fight being destroyed
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your country's space agency is more concerned with "Muslim Outreach" and climatic interpretation than they are with actually exploring space
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your major media ignore all the scandals and illegal activities of the ruling party
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your president is more interested in inciting racial violence than he is in enforcing the law
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If half of your citizens believe that a lifetime history of sexual assault is less serious than vulgar talk
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If one of your major political parties can't bring itself to remove a leader who has suborned perjury, lied under oath, and tried to fix a federal judge
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If all of the major political parties are more interested in satisfying the demands of their wealthy contributors than they are in the people who actually vote
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If your Secretary of State can plunder her office to the tune of nearly a quarter of a billion dollars (!) to advance her personal fortune while standing in front of the entire nation, bragging straight-faced about her "life of service"
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If the head of your Department of Justice secretly meets with the man who started her career while her employees are supposedly investigating his wife, and she is not -- at the very least -- disbarred for this outrageous ethical violation
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
  • If the head of your Secret Police and his family have past and present financial connections with the subject of his investigation, and grants immunity to all of her co-conspirators without any evidentiary result, and then whines about being called the dirty cop that he is
    ... you may be living in a banana republic.
So the liberal outrage over Trump's plans to appoint a special prosecutor is -- like most liberal outrage -- very amusing to rational thinkers because our cruise ship to Banana Republic sailed a long time ago.
The real reason for the shock in the progressive media today reflects two things: the desire to blunt the absolute destruction of Hillary Clinton in last evening's debacle.
Liberals were giddy with the thought that Trump would slither off the stage as so many Republicans before him have done, and instead had to watch in horror as their hypocrite rapist-enabler candidate got the thorough whipping she's deserved her entire "public life."
And second, and far more importantly, they know full well that an investigation conducted by an impartial law enforcement agency and concluded by a legitimate trier-of-fact, rather than by a corrupt administration and its snivelling "Justice Department," would be the end of the Clinton Global Crime Family.
Everyone knows this, even the liberals. Hence their sanctimonious posturing this morning.
