Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Voting is a duty to preserve God’s gift of Liberty

The Coach's Team ^ | 10/12/16 | Karen Lees 

“Choosing not to vote isn’t rebellion. It’s surrender.” – Author unknown
In the election of November 2012, over 90 million eligible voters did not vote. It is estimated that up to 50 million of those were Christians. Sadly, many of them had not even registered. This is not only disgraceful, but Christians are accountable to God for neglecting the responsibility of maintaining His precious gift of liberty.
After the November 2012 election, Rev. Franklin Graham said, “If Christians are upset, they need to be upset at themselves… If Christians would just vote, then elections in this country would be much different.”
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” -Proverbs 14:34 This verse affirms what has been proven by the fallen nations throughout history: What makes a nation great is measured by a people who do what is right by God’s standards, not what seems right in their own eyes. Our founders secured and protected these standards in our founding documents and referred to them as “natural rights.” They designed our government upon the foundation that all of our laws should conform to these natural right standards. Candidates who stand first for this standard of truth certainly will not get into office unless God’s people vote for them. If we have corrupt and lawless rulers we are doubly responsible since we, unlike many other nations in history, have the freedom to vote.
It is irresponsible to be an uninformed voter. Research the candidates to know if they align with natural rights on important issues. Do they uphold the natural and fundamental rights to life, liberty, and property? Instead of relying on deceptive political ads, read the party platform of each candidate to see what that candidate has agreed to...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
