Wednesday, September 14, 2016

NFL Idiots Dissing Our National Anthem Is Another Reason Why Trump Will Win!

American Thinker ^ | September 14, 2016 | Lloyd Marcus 

My intention was to enjoy a leisurely Sunday afternoon on my sofa watching NFL football. Outrageously, players on both teams, Miami vs Seattle, protested our National Anthem. I became extremely angry. I could not stomach watching these highly paid, arrogant, ungrateful, spoiled-brat idiots play football. I yelled to Mary in another room, “Honey, get dressed. I'm taking you to dinner!”
For crying out loud, here we are on the anniversary of 9/11. These morons showed no respect for their country, nor the 3000 Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists on this day 15 years ago. Why are NFL coaches allowing players to run their teams? Coaches should say, “Express your political views off the field. Anyone who does not stand for the National Anthem will be benched for this game.”
Due to public schools teaching that America is the greatest source of evil in the world, high school athletes have joined pro athletes in protesting our National Anthem.
Ponder this, folks. The NFL punishes players with a penalty for celebrating/dancing too much after scoring a touchdown. And yet, when it comes to disrespecting our National Anthem the NFL feels it must respect player's freedom of expression.
There is an old saying, “You get what you tolerate.” What next? Will the NFL allow players to burn U.S. flags during games? The swiftly growing anti-National Anthem and anti-law enforcement movements are tied together, birthed out of Black Lives Matter's evil lie that America oppresses blacks and police murder blacks.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
