Friday, September 2, 2016

Mexican President Speech To Trump : " Invest in the Walll : an Asset to both Countries" TRANSCRIPT ^ | Aug 31,2016 | Mex Pres Nieto Transcript 

Actual Words said by Mexican President Nieto with Donald Trump at his side:
"As to border issues, my vision is very clear. The border must be transformed into an asset for our region..
We must fast track these efforts so that the border between US and Mexico might become more efficient and safer. An important number of Americans see the border as a great problem because undocumented persons and illegal drugs cross into the US.
There is still a joint challenge, including the increasing number of non-Mexicans that cross through our country in order to reach the US, therein creating serious human crises.
However, this is a vision that is clearly incomplete of the true border issues, because it does not take into account the illegal influx of weapons and money every year. Thousands of weapons and millions of dollars come into Mexico illegally from the North strengthening drug cartels and other criminal organizations that generate violence in Mexico and that obtain profit from the sale in the United States.
This flow must be stopped.
What we need is an integral approach as to the border that might address the issue of undocumented traffic and flow of illegal drugs and cash money. Many lives may be saved on both sides of the border.
Illegal flow of weapons, drugs, cash money in both directions has multiple negative consequences on both sides of border. Our border must be viewed as a joint opportunity.
Both countries must invest more in it. More in (the wall) infrastructure, More people, More technology, in order to make it more secure." -Mexican President Nieto, Mexico City, August 31 with Donald Trump
