Sunday, August 14, 2016

Media bias could wind up helping Donald Trump ^ | Aug. 12, 2016 | Chris Cassidy 

Rampant mainstream media bias against Donald Trump could play right into the GOP presidential candidate’s hands, sparking a sympathetic backlash from voters who see unfair press hits as a heavy-handed shadow campaign to boost Hillary Clinton, experts said 

“His way of thinking is, if I take a battering ram and hit the door long enough, it doesn’t matter what I say, they’ll distort it, and eventually that will hit critical mass and people will turn on the media and Hillary,” said Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University.
“The ultimate objective would be sometime in October he will have succeeded to say, ‘You pick on me, but Hillary does the same or even worse and you don’t report or discredit it,’ and people will be more sympathetic to him,” Hanson said.

He also noted that Trump’s controversial remarks often end up drawing new attention to his opponent’s old gaffes. For example, Trump’s Second Amendment comments forced some reporters to eventually acknowledge that Clinton, too, had made similar remarks. In 2008, she justified her decision to stay in the Democratic primary, even though she trailed mightily behind then-Illinois U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, by pointing out that Robert Kennedy had been assassinated in June 1968.
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