Friday, June 10, 2016

Trump is a voice for the victims of the social-justice warriors!

The New York Post ^ | June 9, 2016 | David Kaufman 

Conventional wisdom — at least as defined by MSNBC — dictates that Donald Trump has offended so many potential voters that Hillary Clinton is virtually guaranteed to sweep into the White House in a tide of progressive, populist unity.
But what if Trump’s outrageousness truly captures America’s current cultural climate — and Clinton’s carefully curated “kumbaya” coalition is actually the outlier?
It’s not so crazy. And in fact, it’s a climate liberals should recognize: Trump is doing what Democrats have long claimed to do by giving voice to the voiceless.
And as much as Trump might alienate and appall, his iconoclastic campaign aligns with what many across America are already thinking. It’s a stark (if, for many, disheartening) reading of the nation’s social barometer.
But one that Clinton ignores at her own — and her party’s — peril.
According to a series of recent studies, “racial anxiety” more than economic uncertainty is the key driver of potential Trump support. Polls by both The Washington Post and Hamilton College political scientist Philip Klinkner reveal that more than 40 percent of Trump fans believed white peoples’ struggles resulted from “preferences for blacks and Hispanics.”
But it’s about more than race. Trump is speaking for a large segment of Americans who’ve been silenced by an over-reaching identity-politics industry....
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
