Thursday, November 5, 2015

WHY AMERICA VOTED REPUBLICAN ^ | 11/05/15 | Bob Lonsberry 

On Tuesday, at the voting booth, America took a hard turn in the Republican direction.

In race after race and state after state, the big winners at the ballot box were Republican candidates and Republican principles.

I know why.

It’s because the Democrat brand sucks.

It’s because Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and any number of their hangers on have turned their party into something hostile to the beliefs and lives of an increasing number of Americans.

Let me give you some examples.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who hate the cops.

If you think cops are racist thugs roaming around looking for black people to kill, the Democratic Party is for you. The president has just finished up a week of speechifying dedicated specifically to “police-community relations.”

That’s Democratspeak for “we hate the police.”

If your first impulse upon seeing a police officer is to spit on him and pull out your phone to record his response, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who love criminals.

Obama just turned loose 6,000 drug dealers, right? And he just spent another week speechifying about how America needs to be nicer to people in jail.

Didn’t he just create new education and housing benefits for convicted felons? Isn’t the Democratic Party banging the drum for “alternatives to incarceration?” Isn’t the Democratic Party talking about some racist “school to prison pipeline” that herds people to the penitentiary?

If you think the crooks behind bars are victims of society, instead of predators on society, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who think borders are meaningless.

The Democrat Party is behind the “amnesty city” movement that gives shelter to foreign criminals and ignores domestic laws. It is Democrats who talk about the rights of anyone anywhere to come here and, more often than not, pick up a welfare card.

If you think that everyone else has a right to your country and its bounty, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who think a boy who says he's a girl should be allowed to shower with girls who really are girls.

The day before the election, the Obama Administration threatened legal action against a high school that asked a boy who calls himself a girl to change behind a curtain in the girls locker room as he gets ready to play on a girls team. The Democrats said the curtain had to come down and the boy had to see the naked girls and the girls had to see the naked boy, or it was a violation of his-her rights.

If you think gender is a social construct between the ears instead of a physical reality between the legs, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who think Iran should have a nuke.

With Americans opposed more than 2-to-1, Barack Obama and the Democrats in Congress rammed through an agreement that puts “Death to America” Iran 10 years away from unfettered development of nuclear weapons.

Iran gets to trade in weapons and missiles seven years from now, and all constraints on its nuke program come off three years after that.

And either Times Square or Tel Aviv blow up shortly after that.

If you are OK with that, then the Democrat Party is the party for you.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who don’t like white people.

If the in-your-face racial bigotry of #BlackLivesMatter makes sense to you, then you’ll be happy to know that every Democrat politician close to a microphone agrees with you.

The Democratic Party has become the haven of people whose motivating force is antipathy toward whites. No one will say that out loud, but everyone realizes it – and the Democrats profit from it. Without the votes of angry minorities, Democrats seldom win elections. So the key to Democrat survival and success is keeping minorities angry. To that end, the Democrats preach victimhood, entitlement and chip-on-the-shoulder cultural antagonism toward whites.

If you think white privilege and institutional racism are ruining America, the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is the party of people who resent and are jealous of success.

In the policies and priorities of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, successful people are punished and dysfunctional people are rewarded.

If you make wise choices, get an education and work hard, and end up making more money as a result, the Democrats vilify you and take your money. If you make poor choices, drop out of school, and sit on your ass, and end up making less money as a result, the Democrats champion you and give you other people’s money – and count you as their core constituency.

If you believe in hating the other fellow because of his success, instead of working harder to get your own success, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is for people who think America and its history are bad.

If you think Columbus committed genocide and Washington was primarily a slave owner, and that America’s westward expansion was racist, then you will like the Democrat Party.

It is the Democrats who seem to believe American history began when some jerk tried to kick Rosa Parks out of her seat. If the Founders are enemies and America is bad, if this country is imperialistic and our foreign dealings are sinister – if patriotism is a bad thing – then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is for people who think the American people are bad.

If you believe the American lifestyle is the root of the world’s problems, you will really like listening to Democrat speeches about global warming. If you think your neighbors are too fat, if they should give up their cars and have their roads ripped up to make bicycle boulevards, if they should do without air conditioning and carbon-producing electricity, if they should stop eating meat and using plastics and having children, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is for people who think God is a joke.

Statistics show that if you and your family have no religious faith or practice, and if you openly mock those who do, then the Democrat Party is for you.

The Democrat Party is for people who think the U.S. military is a bad thing.

Beyond cutting personnel and programs, and enhancing the rights of gays and transgenders, and pushing troops into repeated deployments in an increasing number of conflicts, the Obama administration hasn’t had much to do with the military. It is something he and his Starbucks cup salute absentmindedly as he passes.

Whenever military recruiters have been pushed out of schools or campuses, it has been Democrats doing the pushing. Just like it was Democrats doing the bashing on the Boy Scouts over whatever it was they were bashing the Boy Scouts over.

If you see an American in uniform, and you don’t know that you’re looking at one of the good guys, then the Democrat Party is for you.

And America knows that.

Which is why, on Tuesday at the ballot box, America voted Republican.
