Friday, September 18, 2015

I want my country back

Coach is Right ^ | 9/18/15 | John Porter 

It would be so refreshing to hear President Barack Obama tell the truth, both about the way things really are and what that means to us. But rest assured, this will never happen. For Obama practices only deception, by telling us what he wants us to think and what he wants us to think it means. This man, I believe, considers the American people to be stupid; unable to think unless he directs the thinking process for us. It is intentional deceit on his part.
Those who are familiar with Islamic Sharia Law understand the very significant role that the term “Taqiyya” plays in the advancement of Islamic conquest and subjugation. For the definition of “Taqiyya” is DECEPTION.
Webster’s New World College Dictionary: de-cep-tion(de sep’ shen) 1) the act or practice of deceiving; 2) the fact or condition of being deceived; 3) something that deceives, as an illusion, or is meant to deceive, as a fraud or illusion; fraud suggests deliberate deception in dishonestly depriving a person of property, rights, etc.; suggests an artifice or stratagem used to deceive others and to evade something or gain some end.
Apart from armed conflict, deception is perhaps the most powerful means of advancing an ideology or agenda. How did Barack Obama become so highly skilled in the art of deception? (1) In his childhood (until age 10) he was schooled in Indonesia, the country with the largest population of Muslims on planet Earth. He is very familiar with the Koran and understands well the religion of Islam, its Sharia Law and the most effective means one can apply to advance its goals: “Taqiyya.” We are all familiar with the many deceptive statements Obama used to be elected president. He continues that same process of deception from the White House and will...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
