Friday, August 14, 2015

Washington Post Calls Claim That “Abortion is Only 3% of What Planned Parenthood Does” a Lie ^ | 08/14/2015 | Aug 13, 2015 

Planned Parenthood has long been able to promulgate its 3% abortion lie, and the mainstream media has eaten it up hook line and sinker, not once questioning the veracity of the largest abortion provider in the U.S.
That is all changing.
For the first time, the mainstream media has begun to question Planned Parenthood. The gruesomeness of Planned Parenthood’s barbarity – selling murdered babies for parts – has been exposed, and the mainstream media has been forced to look at the stark reality of the Culture of Death.
Yesterday, the Washington Post – no friend to the pro-life movement – lobbed the first salvo at Planned Parenthood’s unbreachable – and equally absurd – assertion, bluntly concluding that Planned Parenthood is “misleading,” “using meaningless and incomplete comparisons to make their argument, and the public should wary . . . .”
Planned Parenthood’s lie is simple, “Three percent of all Planned Parenthood health services are abortion services.”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
