Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Sharpton Advising Obama Insults Police — And Blacks

Investors.com ^ | December 1, 2014 | IBD Editorial 

Crime: By rolling the red carpet out for black "leader" Al Sharpton, President Obama spits in the eye of every police officer — white, black or whatever. A federal war on police begins.
Scholar Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal charges that "President Obama betrayed the nation" and "perverted his role as the leader of all Americans and as the country's most visible symbol of the primacy of the law" in his comments after a grand jury found no evidence of wrongdoing by white police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of black suspect Michael Brown.
"The testimony of a half-dozen black observers at the scene demolished the early incendiary reports that Wilson attacked Brown in cold blood and shot Brown in his back when his hands were up," MacDonald noted, with witnesses claiming brutality by Wilson exposed as inconsistent and finding themselves "contradicted by the physical evidence and by other witnesses, who corroborated Wilson's testimony that Brown had attacked him and had tried to grab his gun."
Obama should have praised the grand jury's conclusion, coming after a thorough examination of all the evidence, and affirmed the integrity of America's criminal justice system. But like the violent, looting protesters in Ferguson, Mo., our president is uninterested in the truth.
No wonder a demagogue who personifies politicized lies like Al Sharpton is welcomed into the White House — not by any means for the first time — to advise Obama.
(Excerpt) Read more at news.investors.com ...
