Monday, November 3, 2014

Race and Reaction!

American Thinker ^ | 11/2/2014 

The Democrats have committed themselves to flushing generations of progress on race down the toilet. That is, flushing the progress whites willingly made toward perceiving and treating all persons as equals. It’s not so clear that any other groups even got the memo that equality and peaceful coexistence were the supposed goals of racial “justice”. Indeed, one now wonders if we got different memos entirely
Growing up in the 60s, 70s and 80s in the Boston area, my upbringing was fairly typical, from what I saw. We were white middle-class kids who were raised to respect others, regardless of skin color...
In that time, with the message of the ‘60s and Martin Luther King, Jr. still fresh, we saw no difference or inferiority in other races and were not taught to see them. All were the same, working hard, trying to do well for themselves and their families and, we thought, pulling toward the same outcomes when it came to creating one big, peaceful melting pot of Americans.
My earliest memory of a realization that this might not be completely true was in the late 80s and early 90s, when I became aware of Democrats publicly claiming that Republicans didn’t like blacks, or children, or the sick, or anyone. I thought this was ridiculous, and that sensible people would dismiss this tactic. Then, in 1995, I watched with shock as black students and others celebrated the verdict in the Simpson case, because a black man literally got away with murdering two whites, and the light came on that all my assumptions and benefits-of-the-doubt might be misplaced. Of course, I knew nothing about Black Liberation Theology, or Black Power, or any of the movements that preached dissimilation, self-segregation, and hatred toward whites, merely because they were white.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
