Monday, November 10, 2014

POST-ELECTION, Obama Vows to Finish Destroying America! ^ | November 9, 2014 | Paul Hair 

Republicans have been ecstatic over their mid-term election victories this week but they seem to be oblivious to the fact that Obama just vowed to finish destroying America. He is serious about taking revenge on the country for daring to vote against him and he is serious about fulfilling the goal of his lifelong agenda.
As soon as the press had the opportunity to talk to Obama following the Tuesday elections he made it clear that his priority would be to further his war on America by way of illegal alien invaders. He swore to use executive action to flood the nation with this invading force. He also had the audacity to say that he was fully justified in doing so simply because Congress won’t do it for him.
Obama is acting as a dictator. He states that the immigration system is broken and he believes his stating so makes it true. He then believes that Congress should take the steps he says must be taken to “fix” the system (i.e. grant amnesty to millions of aliens) lest he unilaterally act on his own. Apart from the lie that the immigration system is broken (it isn’t; he refuses to enforce the law) no president has the authority to bypass Congress if it won’t do what he desires. One of the central purposes of the Constitution is to prevent a president from doing whatever he wants. Thus, legislative refusal to do Obama’s bidding does not grant him authority to go around it. “Constitutional scholar” Obama pretends he doesn’t know this.
But unless the American people stop him Obama will break the law. He will exact his revenge on law-abiding citizens by making them a minority and replacing them with a population of foreign enemies loyal to him and the tyrannical left.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
